November 2019 year
Renovation of tank farmThe tank farm is being constructed by JSC Salavatneftekhimremstroy.
Renovation of tank farmTank farm is located nearby catalytic cracking units of shop No. 10, its area equals 553.04 hectares.
For higher reliability of heat and power supplyTurbine generator’s equipment dismantling
For higher reliability of heat and power supplyIn order to participate in DPM-shtrikh’s competitive selection, personnel of Novo-Salavatskaya TEC carried out great work on developing the modernization concept of the main and ancillary equipment, calculating techno-economic and financial indices, modelling price and technical bids
For higher reliability of heat and power supplyRenovation program will help replace power plant’s major and ancillary equipment with more efficient one
For higher reliability of heat and power supplyDuring modernization, technological action chains have been developed for reserving and supporting reliability of heat supply for Gazprom neftekhim Salavat