New emissions reduction scheme
At the Oil Refinery of Gazprom neftekhim Salavat in workshop No. 4, a project has been implemented that made it possible to reduce natural gas consumption and gas discharge to the flare. The project is provided with a “project implementation schedule” aimed at optimizing the operation of flare systems and reducing emissions.
The implementation of the project has improved the industrial and economic performance of the Catalytic Cracking Complex
The project involves a scheme for supplying fuel gas from the industrial network to replace natural gas from Gas Distribution Station-2 (GDS-2) at a Catalytic Cracking Fluid (CCF) plant and a flare unit of the Off-Plot Facilities of the Catalytic Cracking Complex (OPF CCC). This solution made it possible to use more fuel gas of its own production in the technological process, resulting in reduced natural gas consumption and, consequently, decreased gas discharge to the flare.
The catalytic cracking process is accompanied by the formation of a hydrocarbon gas, a mixture of so-called wet and dry gases.
— While “wet” gas is a valuable raw material for petrochemical production, “dry” gas is considered conditionally a by-product of production process, with its use limited to combustion in the technological furnaces of the Company's plants as fuel or, if there is an excess, on a flare, — explains Denis Gibadullin, Deputy Head of Workshop No. 4. — “Dry” hydrocarbon (fuel) gas is a mixture of volatile gases, mainly methane and ethane, as well as hydrogen sulfide. Before entering the fuel network of the Company, the “dry” gas is purified from hydrogen sulfide to eliminate emissions of sulphur oxide that occur during the combustion of such gas.
The Salavat oil refiners decided to use fuel gas instead of natural gas at the CCF and OPF CCC plants. The scheme involved the installation of a pipeline to supply fuel gas from the industrial network to the CCF plant for use as fuel in an air heater, as well as a pipeline to supply fuel gas to the static damper of the flare stack of the OPF CCC. As a result, hydrocarbon gas of its own production from the CCF plant was meant to be used as fuel gas.
The design was carried out by the design department of Company's Chief Mechanic Department. The installation was carried out in stages, with commissioning managed by the process personnel of the workshop.
Production workers note that the compositions of natural gas and fuel hydrocarbon gas are identical, so their replacement did not affect the technological process. The project implementation has made it possible to reduce natural gas consumption and, consequently, its costs, while improving the industrial and economic performance of the CCF plant and the complex as a whole. The quality of the produced fuel components remained at the same required level.
— The positive impact on the environment of the implemented project can be estimated by the amount of natural gas that was not burned at the CCF plant and at the OPF CCC flare unit of workshop No. 4, — Denis Gibadullin, Deputy Head of Workshop No. 4, emphasizes. — In 2024, the amount was about 3.7 million cubic meters, the combustion of which could produce significant emissions.
For reference:
Gazprom neftekhim Salavat is one of the largest oil refining and petrochemical complexes in Russia. The Complex was founded in 1948.
The Company is integrated into the Gazprom system. It has the basic advantage: consolidating on a single site a full cycle of crude hydrocarbons processing, petrochemistry and mineral fertilizers production. The Company comprises the Oil Refinery, Gas & Chemical Plant and the Monomer Plant.
Gazprom neftekhim Salavat produces more than 150 items, over 50% of which are bulk products including motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, styrene, polystyrene, low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene, DOP plasticizer, butyl alcohols, sulphur, ammonia, urea, acrylic acid, butyl acrylate etc.
The products are shipped to all federal subjects of the country. Export supplies of oil products are mainly directed to European and CIS countries. Petro- and gas chemicals are exported to over 30 CIS and non-CIS countries.
High quality of Gazprom neftekhim Salavat output is confirmed by certificates of conformity to ISO 9001 and 14001, the international standards of quality and environmental safety.